Capitales de Europa con mar
# Monumentos de Europa
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Anthropology - 2nd partial exam

Match pairs to get some of the 2nd module course concepts.
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Nota media:
Arrastra con el ratón cada palabra sobre su pareja correspondiente. Si has acertado, desaparecerán las dos.
In longitudinal research...
we go to the workfield several times
In quantitative research...
results can be generalized
How am I going to research?
Testimony comes from...
a single person who lived something
Marking the field
Where am I going to research?
Life history is a registry...
of all life events of a person
Ethnography is an in-dept study...
with extensive cultural descriptions
3 research techniques:
Testimony, interview and field diary
First anthropologists derived from...
military and religious invasions
Field of work is...
the place where my theme happens
A monography explains...
every characteristic of a topic
In participant observation...
we interact with the universe of study
3 research methods:
Ethnography, case study and oral history
Every human society is...
a group with a complex organization
Qualitative research doesn't require...
verified or measurable results
2 research techniques:
Life history and participant observation
For a semi-structured interview...
we go to the key informant's space
Results in the words of natives
Results in the words of the researcher
Subject field
What am I going to research?
In longitudinal research...
we go to the workfield several times
In quantitative research...
results can be generalized
How am I going to research?
Testimony comes from...
a single person who lived something
Marking the field
Where am I going to research?
Life history is a registry...
of all life events of a person
Ethnography is an in-dept study...
with extensive cultural descriptions
3 research techniques:
Testimony, interview and field diary
First anthropologists derived from...
military and religious invasions
Field of work is...
the place where my theme happens
A monography explains...
every characteristic of a topic
In participant observation...
we interact with the universe of study
3 research methods:
Ethnography, case study and oral history
Every human society is...
a group with a complex organization
Qualitative research doesn't require...
verified or measurable results
2 research techniques:
Life history and participant observation
For a semi-structured interview...
we go to the key informant's space
Results in the words of natives
Results in the words of the researcher
Subject field
What am I going to research?
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Jugado 5 veces.
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